
Paracin developed in the alluvial plain of the Velika Morava River and its tributary Crnica. These are the remains of old river terraces, which gradually rise from an altitude of 124.5 metres above sea level (hereinafter referred to as "masl") to 160 masl. Glavica is a settlement located on the right bank of the Crnica River, at the very exit of its course from the gorge below Cukara. The average altitude of the settlement is about 150 metres above sea level. The settlement of Tekija, which is located southeast of Paracin and represents a whole with the urban area of Paracin, developed on a river terrace whose altitude ranges from 150 to 160 metres above sea level. The village of Striza is located on a part of the river terrace whose altitude is about 130 metres above sea level.

The town area has the characteristics of a cascade-type unevenness, which are related to the evolution of the alluvial plain under the impact of the meandering flow of the Velika Morava. In fact, the entire section Karadjordjevo brdo - Tekija - Drenovac represents pariš of the river terrace that have been deleveled by fluvial erosion. The alluvial plain and lower river terraces are mostly covered with alluvial sediments.

These are mostly gravel, sand and clay. The low hills of the eastern rim of the basin are also composed of these sediments. The exception is the Cukare area, an elevation with a level of 329 metres above sea level. This area is composed from older paleozoic rocks. The gorge of the river Crnica was cut in these rocks.

The municipality of Paracin has 54,170 ha of arable land, of which there are:

  • 21,747 ha of arable land and gardens;
  • 17,660 ha of forests;
  • 4,903 hameadows;
  • 2,775 ha pastures;
  • 1,280 ha orchards;
  • 1,260 ha vineyards;
  • 146 ha ponds and reeds;
  • 4,440 ha infertile soil.

There are three basic types of soil that are represented on the pedological map of the municipality of Paracin. In the valley of the Velika Morava river, the best quality soil is alluvium and alluvial-deluvial soil, in the area around the motorway there is loam, and in the hilly areas of the municipality of Paracin, shallow sirozem, skeletal soil and pseudogley are present.

There is not a single active landslide in the town area. Erosion phenomena are manifested in the left tributaries of the Velika Morava River and the Crnica River basin. The level of underground water in the entire town area is very high and ranges from 1.0 - 10.0 m from the surface of the terrain. The surface of the aquifer is on a level from 126 masl to 132 masl.The plane of the underground aquifer is slightly inclined and the underground water moves slowly in the direction of the Crnica and Velika Morava rivers. The groundwater level fluctuates throughout the year. In the higher parts of the terrain, from the cemetery towards the Glass Factory, the groundwater level is at a depth of 4–10 m. In the center of the town, the groundwater is at a depth of 2–3 m, while in the western parts of the town it is at a depth of 1–2 m. Chemical tests have determined that these underground waters belong to hydrocarbonate medium mineralized waters. The hydrographic network of the municipality consists of the river Crnica and streams that either flow directly into Crnica, or flow towards the alluvial plain of Velika Morava and Crnica. The part of the alluvial plain between Paracin and the course of the Velika Morava is full of still waters, which represent the remains of the former meanders of this river. Of the occasional streams, Bacijski, Lozicki and Kneselacki streams flow through the territory.

On the basis of a series of seismic tests, the municipality of Paracin was divided into three intensity zones of VIII degree MM scale, with seismic coefficients Kh = 0.04, Kh = 0.05 and Kh = 0.06. The basic topographical, geomorphological, hydrographical, pedological and climatic features of the area caused the creation of autochthonous habitats and vegetation. The intense and long-term action of various impacts, primarily anthropogenic factors, resulted in the creation of changed conditions and ecosystems.

Spatially, the area is located in a part of the Great Morava valley, with the Veliki Morava and Crnica as the main watercourses. The former meanders of the Velika Morava are still waters in their current state. The terrain has characteristics of a cascade-type unevenness, which are significant for the evolution of the alluvial plain under the impact of the meandering flow of the Velika Morava. The direction Karadjordjevo Hill - Tekija, i.e. the north-south direction represents river terraces deleveled by fluvial erosion. The moderate continental climate of this area, with an average January temperature of -8°C and 22°C in the hottest month, with rains falling in the period when they are most needed, in May and June, and a wide range of winds, make this area the right place for the development of a variety of plants and the animal world. Green cover of deciduous forests, herbaceous and shrubby vegetation, is dominated by the community of oaks (Quarrceetum-caufert-ae-cerris), followed by the community of beech, hazel and other species (Fago-coluruetam mixtum), the polydominant community of beech, walnut and other species (Fagetum submouttavum mixtum juglaudetosum), the polydominant community of hazel, lilac and other species (Syringo-coloruetum mixtum). Extremely dense beech forests are located in the vicinity of the town of Paracin. Beside them, the forests of oaks, sessile oaks, malts, pedunculate oaks, honeysuckle and Turkey oaks had their peak in the seventies of the last century.

The tame chestnut grows in the town and its surroundings, which due to its rarity is an endemic species. Horse chestnut is somewhat more numerous. In the municipality of Paracin, watercourses that have water management importance, in terms of water supply, development of irrigation systems, etc. are the Velika Morava, Crnica and Grza rivers. In the area of the municipality of Paracin, there are two constructed reservoirs "7th July" and "Cubura", each with a capacity of 150,000 m3 of water. On the territory of the municipality of Paracin, marl is exploited for the needs of the "CRH Srbija" cement factory, gravel exploitation from the Velika Morava river and limestone is exploited for the needs of the Glass Factory and the road industry. Areas under forests in the territory of the municipality of Paracin occupy 17,000 ha.

The average annual cut mass in the social sector is 18,000 m3, and in the private sector 6,000 m3. In the total structure of forest areas, 88% are deciduous and 12% coniferous. There is not a single protected natural asset in the territory of the municipality. During 2013, the spring of the river Grza was declared a protected area of category III - a protected area of local importance, as a natural monument.

Општинска управа Параћин, Томе Живановића 10. ,35250 Параћин , Србија
телефон +381 35 563 601 , факс +381 35 563 165, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.