
Benefits of investing in Paracin:

  • The location of Paracin is in the central part of central Serbia, on Corridor 10 and the international railway, 156 km south of Belgrade • Human resources 8,419 unemployed persons (February 2010), of which 29% have a university degree, 7% with a higher education institution degree; Training centre for workforce training, coordinated by the Office for Local Economic Development and Diaspora

  • Market in Paracin: Possibility of duty-free export to the markets of Southeastern Europe and Russia (180 million consumers). Paracin is geographically open to the markets of Bulgaria, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Romania (36.6 million consumers) 
  • Local incentives and benefits for investors and the existing economy: According to the Decision on Land Development, it was decided that investors who want to build a residential building individually, an industrial building, business or service facilities, have a decreased price, reduced by 30% in case they pay the full amount, except for those in the extra zone.
  • Individuals - investors, entrepreneurs and legal entities who build facilities according to their purpose are allowed to pay the amount divided into 24 equal monthly installments, except for those who built premises in the extra zone.
  • Paracin Municipality decided to give allowances to newly founded companies and entrepreneurs who are registered in the territory of Paracin Municipality, by exempting them from paying the local communal fee for company name display in the first year of operation, except for those who are in the extra zone.

Општинска управа Параћин, Томе Живановића 10. ,35250 Параћин , Србија
телефон +381 35 563 601 , факс +381 35 563 165, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.